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Белевалия многогодишна ароматна лесна за отглеждане - Bellevalia pycnantha (syn. Muscari paradoxum)

5 броя луковици

3.50 лв.


Белевалията е ароматно многогодишно луковично растение два пъти по-висока от мускарито и много добре се натурализира, тоест саморазмножава. Dark and dreamy Bellevalia pycnantha (syn. Muscari paradoxum) is a small but perfectly formed little superstar. The intriguing little bead-like blooms are the deepest shade of blue and form a dense cone-like cluster. Look at it close up and you can really lose yourself in the miniature detail of this one! On a grand scale, plant them in groups and they grow into neat little clumps that create eye-catching pockets of colour around the garden. Bellevalia pycnantha are incredibly easy to grow, fully hardy and naturalise over the years, so once you’ve planted the bulbs you can just sit back and enjoy their cheery display every spring.
